They’re these pesky little things that never leave us alone. Doesn’t matter if its Tuesday at 3:30 or Sunday at noon, they’ll find a way to weasel themselves back into our subconscious. Answer that email. Read that message. Finish that deck. Prep that presentation. But sometimes, all it takes is a little tool that can get those work worries under control. Show them who’s boss with Asana. With their first brand campaign since their IPO, we showed the world what a project management tool like Asana can do to help you tame those work worries, and make work…work for you.
TV SPOT (2022)
Group Creative Director: Chelsea O’Brien Kauth
ACD/Writer: Jimmy Barker
ACD/Art Director: Brianna Lohr
Director: Edward Andrews, Skin & Bones
Editorial: Chris Murphy, Outsider Editorial
VFX/Monster Design: Mathematic
Producer: Erika Ruiz
Agency: Omelet